Ayelet Harel is a professor of political science, a lecturer in the Management and Dispute Resolution Program and in the Politics and Government Department at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Her research and publications focus on the intersections of political science, conflict studies, and critical theories in security studies.
Her research interests include: army and security; politics, society and law in India; minority rights; gender and politics; and religion and politics. She conducted a wide-ranging series of studies on feminist and critical theories in security, which included narrative research on the experiences of male and female soldiers following their military service (with Shir Daphna-Tekoah), and an extensive series of studies on women from minority communities (with Becky Kook). Harel is a winner of the Outstanding Female Researcher Prize awarded by the International Association for Israel Studies and a winner of the 2020 Outstanding Paper Prize awarded by the Association of Civil-Military Studies.
Her research has been published in leading journals in the field and by leading book publishers.
For further information on her publications see https://ayeleths.wixsite.com/home