Article of: amity

Dr. Colonel (Res.) Ofra Ben-Ishai

PhD, Sociology and Anthropology Department, Ben Gurion University. M.A. Department of Labor Studies in the Organizational Consulting and Human Resources

Prof. Eyal Ben-Ari

Prof. Eyal Ben-Ari studied for his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the Sociology and Anthropology Department at the Hebrew University,

Dr. Avi Bitzur

Expert in home front defense and head of the National Security and Home Front Defense program in Beit Berl College.

Dr. Roni Or (Tiarjan)

Applied researcher who served Head of R&D Infrastructure in the IDF Behavioral Sciences Department. From 1999 to 2020, he served

Prof. Colonel (Res.) Zeev Drori

The Association’s Second Chairperson Prof. Drori was born and grew up in Haifa. He earned a doctorate in history from

Prof. Yoram Peri

The Association’s Third Chairperson Prof. Yoram Peri, born in Jerusalem, earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in sociology and political

Dr. Itamar Rickover

Dr. Itamar Rickover holds a voluntary position as CEO of the Association of Civil-Military Studies in Israel. He earned a

Dr. Colonel (Res.) Reuven Gal

Born in Haifa (1942). Graduated from the Reali School. Served as a combat soldier and infantry officer in the regular